Monday, November 10, 2008

She Let It Be Me

A day at Heber Springs my junior year of college changed the course of my life.

There's not any way to accurately and completely explain the next 7 years of our life friends, as boyfriend-girlfriend, fiancees, husband-wife, daddy-mama, lovers, and partners in our ministry.

I can just take you through the moments, some significant, some seemingly insignificant that have made my life so much better and happy because of this bright blue-eyed woman. Here are just a few:

-The Big Ragoo and laser tag.

-A freezing cold fountain.

-Talks down at B Rock.

-Letters at graduation.

-A trip to Dallas.

-Meeting at the bookstore.

-"Why not now?"


-Picking out Belle.

-Candles and Egg Nog.

-Picking up Scout.

-Making a familiar house a home.

-The long drought.


-Dancing on the back porch.

-The blue-eyed little girl arrives.

-Dr. Elizabeth Ann Null Clark

-The move to KC.

-A cruise that saved a marriage.

-Losing a baby.

-Sitting on the floor singing with our daughter.

-Holding hands realizing we made it through the hard times.

-The birth of another blue-eyed girl.

-A move to Nashville.


-A cancer diagnosis.

-The hard questions.

-Dancing in the hallway.

-Holding hands realizing everything's gonna be alright.

It's been hard at times, but we're still here....together. And as I sit here with our little girls (one singing, one smiling) I am moved to tears that Liz, the best person I know, let it be me who was with her through it all. The good and the bad.

Eternity is not long enough to be with her.

I love you, Liz.

1 comment:

Taft said...

Excellent post. Isn't it great when a woman straight outta Proverbs 31 lets us love them?